Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2015 Goals

Hey you guys so I know I'm very bad at keeping blogs, but here I am back at it again typing what my 2015 goals are going to be my first goal is working on getting married to the man I love the most we have been engaged and i think what we want is to go ahead and get married and make it official. My second goal would be working on blogging and making YouTube videos of myself maybe life or just things I like and videos with my best friends. My third goal is workout and work on my figure I want to look healthier and love my body and myself. My fourth goal is to get myself and house clean and organized. Fifth goals parents are wanting to move up to South Carolina near me and my goal is to help them and get them up here. My last goal is to do a different career that I will love and enjoy and maybe even get myself in school. I feel like it's a lot but I know if I work hard I can get all of it accomplished. This year has been so amazing to me and I have learned a lot and I really can't wait to see what 2015 has in store for me!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

It's November!!!

Hey you guys so I know I'm horrible I haven't written a blog in a while I'm sooo sorry, but anywho it's November and I'm so excited because it's getting closer to the holidays and its my favorite time of the year!! I work at Wal-mart and they have already put Christmas stuff up and it I can't lie its got me very excited and super happy. Even though I don't put my Christmas stuff up until after Thanksgiving but anyways it's time to go Christmas shopping for my wonderful family and friends and I can't wait. Alot of good things are happening this month one is my nephew's birthday he will be 2 years old and it's hard to believe the second thing is Thanksgiving of course I always look forward to be with Ryan and his family this year is even better since I have my little brother living with me! There is black Friday which is really hard for me because I work in retail and its always a mad house!! The even best thing about this month is going to Starbucks and trying the new fall/winter coffees my goal is to be hitting up Starbucks soon!! To end this off you guys which is strange and never really happened that I have seen in South Carolina Nov. 1st it snowed what!! yes snow didn't get to excited but it was fun to see. Alright you guys comment and let me know your favorite stuff about November or the holidays coming up.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

To My Father!

Hello everyone so I know tomorrow is Father's Day and I feel like I need make this special blog about my wonderful Father and kinda let you know what kind of man/father/husband he truly is to me. My dad means so much to me and there is so much I could say lol I remember my mom telling me when I was born he thought I was a boy and in my mind I was like well he just got the best and only daughter he could ever have. He loved to aggravate me when I was a baby and he still does I know that will never stop. We even went through the chicken pox together when I was a baby thanks to my wonderful older brother lol. I can say I have grown up so much because of him. He taught me and brothers a lot and I will always remember him saying to always stay close with family and your brothers. Another thing I love about my dad is his stories when he was younger and things he went through and I'm proud of my dad because he has become a strong man and a fighter and believe you me there is no backing down my dad I would know lol. I'm so thankful for my dad I believe he has raised me and my brothers right I believe I'm more responsible because of him. I literally sometimes think what would my dad do or what he would say in a certain situation. Also my dad would preach a lot to me and my brothers, but you know what I will never forget them because they are definitely life lesson that make me who I am today. My dad is a great man and he is my number one always and forever. I believe that when you grow up and move away and be on your own and be a grown up you think life is easier but its not and my dad taught me that and that nothing in life is free or easy. I write this because the first time in forever I wont be able to spend time with my dad on fathers day since him and my mom live 8 hours away for me. Dad if you read this which I hope you are I love you so much and I miss you and I miss going fishing with you and def eating seafood and cooking up recipes with you. I pray for you everyday. I will always be your baby girl no matter what. I also want to say that your def the best dad a girl could ask for.


Monday, April 28, 2014

Just Keep Breathing

Hey yall so I have had a lot of time to think about my life and goals and dreams and as you can see my title for this is Just Keep Breathing its a We The Kings song and the lyrics really got to me, it's basically just saying go for your dreams goals and if you think you can't get to them just keep breathing you can do it and your not alone. Which brings me to my main subject lately I just had a lot of time to think about what I want to do with my life so as I said in my new year resolution blog I want to go back to school so I'm going to back this fall and as soon as possible I just want to really finish and work hard to get a good career job. I know my family will help me encourage me and to keep breathing till I finish my goal. Also me and Ryan as a couple decided we are going to get married at a court house or justice of the peace and just have a big celebration after when everyone can come and just have fun. I'm so ready for these big steps in my life because I'm ready for a change and just have some kind of challenge. I just want to encourage everyone to live life and go for those goals and dreams right now or first thing tomorrow don't procrastinate because you will regret it when your older. I learned so much from my parents and they always told me to go for my dreams and goals and that I can do anything I wanted and I believe them I still do I'm not going to procrastinate anymore I'm really gonna get up and go out for my goals and dreams I'm excited about this! I hope this makes anyone else feel the same way.
Also this this the We The Kings song I was talking about I hope it encourages you just as much it did me.

Monday, March 24, 2014

The Weekend

Hey you guys so this weekend has been so bittersweet for me and I will tell you why. Thursday I get a phone call while at work from my mom that my grandmother who was in a nursing home she had dementia was not eating or taking any of her medicine they didn't think she really was going to make it through the weekend. After that call I tried to stay calm I let my manager know what was going on just in case I couldn't make it to work during the weekend all that was fine after that my mind was just all over the place and just a million things on my mind. Well I got off of work I was upset you know she truly was a wonderful grandmother and the only one that lived longer than any of my other grandparents. Any who Friday had came a normal day went to work, but still in my head waiting to just get the call she had passed away still nothing came. So Saturday came I was supposed to work 2-10 that day also it was my mothers birthday so finally my mom calls me around 11am and  says she passed I was upset cried for a bit, but my mom also was telling me they are going home packing and heading straight to my house after I got off the phone with her I cried a little bit more and just running around the house with my head cut off getting my house ready and just upset and getting things off my mind. I finally started to calm down I called in to work telling them I wasn't able to come in that day or yesterday which was Sunday and what my situation was which they were okay with. Later that day my best friend who I work with came over to hang out with me and to really cheer me up which was great cause she really did cheer me up she then left and my parents arrived I was soooo happy to see them especially since the last time I saw them was after Christmas time I was just happy except for the circumstance that had happen. Me and Ryan got them settled in we showed them our new house which they loved we were also waiting for my two brothers to come over and my little brother's girlfriend who I love like a sister she brought us a meal that her and her grandma made for us which we are very thankful for and appreciate it we ate dinner and just started to reminiscing on all the old times talked about my grandma all the good things it was just fun to be around all the family that you love. Well that next day Sunday morning me and Ryan my parents got up and got ready headed towards Abbeville where my grandmother was we went to do last funeral business stuff and see my grandma one last time before they were going to cremate her. We said our goodbyes then went to see my brother's who live in Abbeville hung out for a bit then me and Ryan took my parents and older brother to our local Mexican restaurant in Laurens and they loved it so good we then went back to my house to relax till my little brother got off of work that evening. That night we headed out to Cracker Barrel me, Ryan, my mom and dad older and younger brother and my younger brother's girlfriend we had so much fun laughed and had a great time and me sitting there I realized it was a sad time that my grandmother passed she is in a better place, but I know my grandmother if she was still alive she would have wanted us to be together having fun, laughing and just enjoying life which she did everyday I believe. Today it's Monday my parents left to go back to Alabama this morning and I miss them already it was fun having them here, but it's okay me and Ryan will be heading down there in a few days can't wait. Anyways so anyone or everyone who reads this realize this when a death happens in your family its good to cry, but realize laugh and have fun with all the close family with you and reminisce and just hang out its the best medicine.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Catching Up

Hey everyone so it's been forever since I blogged and I'm sorry I'm just so busy with work, taking care of my house and spending time with friends and my fiance and lately now I have been working on doing YouTube videos on my channel which everyone should go check out! Anyways I figured I would catch you guys up of what has been going on in my life not a whole lot I did recently make a YouTube channel which I'm gonna try and make vlogs and other videos so if anyone has anything they would like for me to do or talk about let me know. Also made another channel with my two best friends which I'm excited about. Other than that I mostly have been working and just hanging out with my friends and fiance. I have been really thinking a lot lately and I'm gonna really work on getting off my butt and go back to school it was def one of my new year resolutions and I have found the major I want to go into just gonna work on getting myself signed up for school, I also have been trying to work on my weight and get fit and it's a little harder for me because I really have to motivate myself and really get it because I want to feel good about myself and also look good in my wedding. As you all know I'm engaged and I'm working on planning for it to I'm getting with my mom and Ryan's mom they are helping a lot also really getting to see my maid of honor as soon as possible to get some details started and all that fun stuff excited about that I hope to make blog about if not going to be on my Youtube channel.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Hey you guys it's been awhile since I have blogged anything only because all I have really been doing is working and that is about it really. Anyway I really wanted to vent about something that has recently happen in my life that I want to get off my chest about how I feel. If I post this I'm sure I will be getting phone calls and texts but I don't care. A person who I was really close to that I knew my whole life has had made two mistakes that I'm not happy about the first one was really huge and major which I was disappointed and upset about and it took me so long to forgive this person and we moved on and I thought this person has learned there lesson from there mistake but I was wrong. I have recently found out they did something again to there family member and that just pushed me off to the edge it really has upset me. I really cared about this person and really believe that they can do better for themselves and I still do but they just seem lost in the world and I just wish I could get in this persons head and figure why they did what they did. I really don't think this person really understands all the damage they have done and I really think this person needs to get out of this rut or whatever and talk to someone. I haven't talked to this person lately and even if I did I wouldn't know what to say I probably would ask why but I know all they would say is I don't know. It just really breaks my heart that this person would do this to a family member. If this person reads this just know I will always love you but you really need to figure out what to do make things better or get some help because you just keep hurting people. I know deep down this person can do better and be a better person they just need some kind push or lots and lots of prayer. If anyone reading this has been in this kinda same situation let me know what you did or how to make things right.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Life Right Now

So I haven't really blogged much guess because I really didn't know what to say, but today I thought hey lets write about what's been going on in my life mainly for me even if no one really cares. Been off for three days I was off Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Thursday didn't do to much just hung out at my house. Friday I got to see my best friend Becca who haven't really see in while we hung out went to Greenville which I really enjoyed I don't know what I would do with out her she really is so much fun to be around. Saturday I just got to relax and spend time with Ryan which I love the most just doing nothing and being at home with is always the best. We have been watching Sons Of Anarchy it's such a good show so anyone who hasn't seen it I totally recommend watching it. Today has really been decent I had to work, but it really wasn't that bad I then came home and got a awesome little gift from my best friend Becca and then I cooked me and my fiance a yummy Sunday dinner. Nothing else really to say for now but maybe amazing things with start happening in my life.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Last Night

I want to talk about my night last night first afternoon/evening I was hanging with one of my best friends Becca while at her house my little brother had called me and told me they were on there way to my house right after that I had left Becca's to get to my house. Before I keep going I had invited my two brothers and my little brother's girlfriend Elizabeth to the house to hang out watch the Florida State and Auburn game. Anyways I got home started the oven for the snacks for the game started washing dishes when they got to my house. I greeted them and hugged them and all anyway also last night I wanted to ask Elizabeth a big question. I got her this Minnie coffee mug that had coca mix in the mug and I wrote her this sweet note asking her to be my MAID OF HONOR! She said yes and I'm super excited she is such a great person and friend and I really think of her as my sister and I'm very happy that she makes my little brother happy and treats him well they are actually a very cute couple! But anyways after that we talked and made snacks ate and of course Florida State won woooooo!! Best game ever!!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

New Year's Resolution

So this morning I have been thinking a lot of what I want to do this new year what goals and plans I want to do to maybe make my life better or just make me feel good about myself so here is a list that I have so far...

1. Change my major and go back to school even if it is one class I really want to go back.
2. Plan my wedding right and how I want it and not get overwhelmed by it..
3. Not to get so stressed out relax more and enjoy life and have fun.
4. Work on what I'm eating and drinking and my weight.
5. Make more trips to see my parents.
6. Spend more time with Ryan maybe have more trips together.

That is all I have and I think 6 things are good enough for me I know it might be a little late to have this but it's hard to really think you want to do in your life to change it in a good positive way.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Years Day

Today starts the new year 2014 I really can't wait to see what is in store for me this year I'm hoping really good things. Today me and Ryan actually talked about some of our wedding who is going to be in the wedding groomsman and bridesmaids and best man and maid of honor it's getting me so excited about our wedding its going to be amazing. Ryan and I are getting ready and going to see a movie and have lunch really happy to get out of the house and even better with him we don't get a lot of time together but when we do we use it wisely and just have fun. Right now waiting on his parents to come by bring a comfy chair that belong to his great aunt then off to get some food and see a movie.