Monday, March 24, 2014

The Weekend

Hey you guys so this weekend has been so bittersweet for me and I will tell you why. Thursday I get a phone call while at work from my mom that my grandmother who was in a nursing home she had dementia was not eating or taking any of her medicine they didn't think she really was going to make it through the weekend. After that call I tried to stay calm I let my manager know what was going on just in case I couldn't make it to work during the weekend all that was fine after that my mind was just all over the place and just a million things on my mind. Well I got off of work I was upset you know she truly was a wonderful grandmother and the only one that lived longer than any of my other grandparents. Any who Friday had came a normal day went to work, but still in my head waiting to just get the call she had passed away still nothing came. So Saturday came I was supposed to work 2-10 that day also it was my mothers birthday so finally my mom calls me around 11am and  says she passed I was upset cried for a bit, but my mom also was telling me they are going home packing and heading straight to my house after I got off the phone with her I cried a little bit more and just running around the house with my head cut off getting my house ready and just upset and getting things off my mind. I finally started to calm down I called in to work telling them I wasn't able to come in that day or yesterday which was Sunday and what my situation was which they were okay with. Later that day my best friend who I work with came over to hang out with me and to really cheer me up which was great cause she really did cheer me up she then left and my parents arrived I was soooo happy to see them especially since the last time I saw them was after Christmas time I was just happy except for the circumstance that had happen. Me and Ryan got them settled in we showed them our new house which they loved we were also waiting for my two brothers to come over and my little brother's girlfriend who I love like a sister she brought us a meal that her and her grandma made for us which we are very thankful for and appreciate it we ate dinner and just started to reminiscing on all the old times talked about my grandma all the good things it was just fun to be around all the family that you love. Well that next day Sunday morning me and Ryan my parents got up and got ready headed towards Abbeville where my grandmother was we went to do last funeral business stuff and see my grandma one last time before they were going to cremate her. We said our goodbyes then went to see my brother's who live in Abbeville hung out for a bit then me and Ryan took my parents and older brother to our local Mexican restaurant in Laurens and they loved it so good we then went back to my house to relax till my little brother got off of work that evening. That night we headed out to Cracker Barrel me, Ryan, my mom and dad older and younger brother and my younger brother's girlfriend we had so much fun laughed and had a great time and me sitting there I realized it was a sad time that my grandmother passed she is in a better place, but I know my grandmother if she was still alive she would have wanted us to be together having fun, laughing and just enjoying life which she did everyday I believe. Today it's Monday my parents left to go back to Alabama this morning and I miss them already it was fun having them here, but it's okay me and Ryan will be heading down there in a few days can't wait. Anyways so anyone or everyone who reads this realize this when a death happens in your family its good to cry, but realize laugh and have fun with all the close family with you and reminisce and just hang out its the best medicine.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Catching Up

Hey everyone so it's been forever since I blogged and I'm sorry I'm just so busy with work, taking care of my house and spending time with friends and my fiance and lately now I have been working on doing YouTube videos on my channel which everyone should go check out! Anyways I figured I would catch you guys up of what has been going on in my life not a whole lot I did recently make a YouTube channel which I'm gonna try and make vlogs and other videos so if anyone has anything they would like for me to do or talk about let me know. Also made another channel with my two best friends which I'm excited about. Other than that I mostly have been working and just hanging out with my friends and fiance. I have been really thinking a lot lately and I'm gonna really work on getting off my butt and go back to school it was def one of my new year resolutions and I have found the major I want to go into just gonna work on getting myself signed up for school, I also have been trying to work on my weight and get fit and it's a little harder for me because I really have to motivate myself and really get it because I want to feel good about myself and also look good in my wedding. As you all know I'm engaged and I'm working on planning for it to I'm getting with my mom and Ryan's mom they are helping a lot also really getting to see my maid of honor as soon as possible to get some details started and all that fun stuff excited about that I hope to make blog about if not going to be on my Youtube channel.